About Traffic Connection
“SEO is not about tricking search engines into giving you a rank that you do not deserve, it is about the effective use of marketing data.” – Louis Crisci
20 Years of SEO Experience
Traffic Connection’s founder, Louis Crisci, has been involved with search engine optimization since before the term “SEO” was coined. For many years, Traffic Connection promoted it’s own portfolio of websites, with amazing results. Starting in 2010, Traffic Connection started to sell-off web properties it owned, and in 2013 Louis went to work as the Director of Digital Marketing for a media firm in Boca Raton, Florida. Today, Traffic Connection is proud to assist companies that handle SEO in-house, with strategic task and consulting services.
WE Help You, Help Yourself
So many companies have had less than idea experiences in regards to hiring SEO firms. The quality of work, and the high monthly fees have many companies trying to take search engine optimization back in-house. There are a number of challenges with handling SEO in-house. It is not easy or inexpensive to find the right staff with the skill-set required. Many SEO firms use strategies designed to manipulate Google search results, and manipulation is all employees of these firms know. If you hire and “SEO expert” away from one of these firms, you can end up doing damage to your company’s visibility in search.